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Plaster ceiling vs. tine tile ceiling- which one to choose?
- September 12, 2024
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When it comes to ceilings, there are various options available to choose from.
For starters, you may decide to go for the plain ceiling that has little life in case you are not interested in a ceiling that stands out or you don’t want to give some parts of your room the focal attention. Tin ceiling tiles present themselves to be more artistic and boast of being incredibly beautiful. Moreover, you may decide to go for plaster ceiling that is otherwise referred to as ‘popcorn’.
Every product available out there on the market comes with its share of benefits and downsides. Perhaps the most important thing to consider when making a decision is to ascertain what suits your needs the most. Homes having non- valuated ceilings or lower ceilings don’t have great designs as such mainly because it tends to close the room. Ideally, not having ‘eye candy’ on your ceiling doesn’t mean there is something bad, but you must understand that you will have lost an incredible opportunity and this is why opting for the plaster ceiling makes a lot of sense in most of the times.
Most homes on the hand that have vaulted or raised ceilings come with some decorations fitted on the ceilings. In most cases, there are two main types that you are highly likely to find and this is the tin ceiling tiles or popcorn plaster ceiling. Ideally, both of them come with their pros and cons and while some people will consider one to be a better fit, others will settle for the other.
About ceiling plaster
Plaster ceiling essentially presents itself as a very viable option, mainly because it can be applied very easily and with no hassles at all. However, it is always advisable that you hire a true professional if you really want to get the job done properly otherwise you might end up running appliances or furniture in the room if you make a mistake. You will often find ceiling plaster being applied on the ceilings having little imperfections if any. This is mainly because of the fact that in case there are holes, dents or stains on your ceiling, you must get such issues resolved bore application of the ceiling rest their get notice or cause more complications after being applied.
About tin ceiling tiles
The thing with tin ceiling tiles is that they tend to offer more flexibility. To apply these ceiling tiles, you even don’t need to have a perfectly shaped ceiling. The beauty with these ceilings is that unlike plaster ceilings, they are able to conceal the imperfections even without the need to correct them before installation. And this definitely explains why tin tiles have become such a popular choice for many. Installing them isn’t really difficult as such.
Considering all these advantages and disadvantages of plaster ceiling and tin tiles, you should be able to make a well informed decision as to the one you should opt for.